Monday, October 25, 2010
Classification of Yogya Nitik Batik Motif 45
Motife Batik From Indonesian
Authentic batik Made In Madura
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Batik From Pekalongan
Akibatnya, batik pekalongan menyatu erat dengan kehidupan masyarakat Pekalongan yang kini terbagi dalam dua wilayah administratif, yakni Kota Pekalongan dan Kabupaten Pekalongan, Jawa Tengah. Batik pekalongan adalah napas kehidupan sehari-sehari warga Pekalongan. Ia menghidupi dan dihidupi warga Pekalongan
Meskipun demikian, sama dengan usaha kecil dan menengah lainnya di Indonesia, usaha batik pekalongan kini tengah menghadapi masa transisi. Perkembangan dunia yang semakin kompleks dan munculnya negara pesaing baru, seperti Vietnam, menantang industri batik pekalongan untuk segera mentransformasikan dirinya ke arah yang lebih modern.
Gagal melewati masa transisi ini, batik pekalongan mungkin hanya akan dikenang generasi mendatang lewat buku sejarah.
Ketika itu, pola kerja tukang batik masih sangat dipengaruhi siklus pertanian. Saat berlangsung masa tanam atau masa panen padi, mereka sepenuhnya bekerja di sawah. Namun, di antara masa tanam dan masa panen, mereka bekerja sepenuhnya sebagai tukang batik.
ZAMAN telah berubah. Pekerja batik di Pekalongan kini tidak lagi didominasi petani. Mereka kebanyakan berasal dari kalangan muda setempat yang ingin mencari nafkah. Hidup mereka mungkin sepenuhnya bergantung pada pekerjaan membatik.
Apa yang dihadapi industri batik pekalongan saat ini mungkin adalah sama dengan persoalan yang dihadapi industri lainnya di Indonesia, terutama yang berbasis pada pengusaha kecil dan menengah.
Persoalan itu, antara lain, berupa menurunnya daya saing yang ditunjukkan dengan harga jual produk yang lebih tinggi dibanding harga jual produk sejenis yang dihasilkan negara lain. Padahal, kualitas produk yang dihasikan negara pesaing lebih baik dibanding produk pengusaha Indonesia.
Penyebab persoalan ini bermacam-macam, mulai dari rendahnya produktivitas dan keterampilan pekerja, kurangnya inisiatif pengusaha untuk melakukan inovasi produk, hingga usangnya peralatan mesin pendukung proses produksi.
Sejarah Batik di Indonesia
Filed under: HISTORY by argiant — 4 Comments
12 October 2009
Sejarah Batik di Indonesia
Sejarah pembatikan di Indonesia berkait erat dengan perkembangan kerajaan Majapahit dan penyebaran ajaran Islam di Tanah Jawa. Dalam beberapa catatan, pengembangan batik banyak dilakukan pada masa-masa kerajaan Mataram, kemudian pada masa kerjaan Solo dan Yogyakarta.
Jadi kesenian batik ini di Indonesia telah dikenal sejak zaman kerjaan Majapahit dan terus berkembang kepada kerajaan dan raja-raja berikutnya. Adapun mulai meluasnya kesenian batik ini menjadi milik rakyat Indonesia dan khususnya suku Jawa ialah setelah akhir abad ke-XVIII atau awal abad ke-XIX. Batik yang dihasilkan ialah semuanya batik tulis sampai awal abad ke-XX dan batik cap dikenal baru setelah perang dunia kesatu habis atau sekitar tahun 1920. Adapun kaitan dengan penyebaran ajaran Islam. Banyak daerah-daerah pusat perbatikan di Jawa adalah daerah-daerah santri dan kemudian Batik menjadi alat perjaungan ekonomi oleh tokoh-tokoh pedangan Muslim melawan perekonomian Belanda.
Kesenian batik adalah kesenian gambar di atas kain untuk pakaian yang menjadi salah satu kebudayaan keluaga raja-raja Indonesia zaman dulu. Awalnya batik dikerjakan hanya terbatas dalam kraton saja dan hasilnya untuk pakaian raja dan keluarga serta para pengikutnya. Oleh karena banyak dari pengikut raja yang tinggal diluar kraton, maka kesenian batik ini dibawa oleh mereka keluar kraton dan dikerjakan ditempatnya masing-masing.
Lama-lama kesenian batik ini ditiru oleh rakyat terdekat dan selanjutnya meluas menjadi pekerjaan kaum wanita dalam rumah tangganya untuk mengisi waktu senggang. Selanjutnya, batik yang tadinya hanya pakaian keluarga kraton, kemudian menjadi pakaian rakyat yang digemari, baik wanita maupun pria. Bahan kain putih yang dipergunakan waktu itu adalah hasil tenunan sendiri.
Sedang bahan-bahan pewarna yang dipakai tediri dari tumbuh-tumbuhan asli Indonesia yang dibuat sendiri antara lain dari: pohon mengkudu, tinggi, soga, nila, dan bahan sodanya dibuat dari soda abu, serta garamnya dibuat dari tanahlumpur.
Jaman MajapahitBatik yang telah menjadi kebudayaan di kerajaan Majahit, pat ditelusuri di daerah Mojokerto dan Tulung Agung. Mojoketo adalah daerah yang erat hubungannya dengan kerajaan Majapahit semasa dahulu dan asal nama Majokerto ada hubungannya dengan Majapahit. Kaitannya dengan perkembangan batik asal Majapahit berkembang di Tulung Agung adalah riwayat perkembangan pembatikan didaerah ini, dapat digali dari peninggalan di zaman kerajaan Majapahit. Pada waktu itu daerah Tulungagung yang sebagian terdiri dari rawa-rawa dalam sejarah terkenal dengan nama daerah Bonorowo, yang pada saat bekembangnya Majapahit daerah itu dikuasai oleh seorang yang benama Adipati Kalang, dan tidak mau tunduk kepada kerajaan Majapahit.
Diceritakan bahwa dalam aksi polisionil yang dilancarkan oleh Majapahati, Adipati Kalang tewas dalam pertempuran yang konon dikabarkan disekitar desa yang sekarang bernama Kalangbret. Demikianlah maka petugas-petugas tentara dan keluara kerajaan Majapahit yang menetap dan tinggal diwilayah Bonorowo atau yang sekarang bernama Tulungagung antara lain juga membawa kesenian membuat batik asli.
Sejarah Batik Pekalongan
Meskipun tidak ada catatan resmi kapan batik mulai dikenal di Pekalongan, namun menurut perkiraan batik sudah ada di Pekalongan sekitar tahun 1800. Bahkan menurut data yang tercatat di Deperindag, motif batik itu ada yang dibuat 1802, seperti motif pohon kecil berupa bahan baju.
Namun perkembangan yang signifikan diperkirakan terjadi setelah perang besar pada tahun 1825-1830 di kerajaan Mataram yang sering disebut dengan perang Diponegoro atau perang Jawa. Dengan terjadinya peperangan ini mendesak keluarga kraton serta para pengikutnya banyak yang meninggalkan daerah kerajaan. Mereka kemudian tersebar ke arah Timur dan Barat. Kemudian di daerah – daerah baru itu para keluarga dan pengikutnya mengembangkan batik.
Ke timur batik Solo dan Yogyakarta menyempurnakan corak batik yang telah ada di Mojokerto serta Tulungagung hingga menyebar ke Gresik, Surabaya dan Madura. Sedang ke arah Barat batik berkembang di Banyumas, Kebumen, Tegal, Cirebon dan Pekalongan. Dengan adanya migrasi ini, maka batik Pekalongan yang telah ada sebelumnya semakin berkembang.
Seiring berjalannya waktu, Batik Pekalongan mengalami perkembangan pesat dibandingkan dengan daerah lain. Di daerah ini batik berkembang di sekitar daerah pantai, yaitu di daerah Pekalongan kota dan daerah Buaran, Pekajangan serta Wonopringgo.
Batik From Pekalongan Motifs Were Dewa Dewa
Batik is Really Attached To The Indonesian People To The Traditional Market
A little history of Dos Cake.
Pursue efforts dos cake is not an easy thing. Simona dos cake've started since the early 90s. This business was started by my parents. At that time they would not want to, have to go through, because the longer red rice business samakin oppressed by the production of large corporations, I remember clearly at awal2 this business I had a tour to various cities in East Java and Central Java. The period was the use of cookies is not a thing dos general, at a price which is relatively higher than leaf packs, marketing is a big challenge. I am very impressed with what my parents do, they do not lose heart, even though they have absolutely no background who understand about making this cake dos.Finally after many years have begun a fresh breeze, little by little people began to accept what they traded, even begun many people who participated to make boxes of cakes.Now, the challenge was different, not just marketing that must they think, but also the emergence of competitors, price wars are inevitable. All lawful ways, modeled on the design dos marketable market was already a thing lumrah.Tapi, which as far as I remember, my parents never imitate the designs of others, even though they are not the sgt2 understand about copyright or copyright, I think they can appreciate the meaning of a design, it is another thing that I admire about them.Now we already have boxes of cake in several major cities on the island of Java and Bali, see the great effort of my parents who made this quite a relief, although it clearly affected the economic crisis our income.I created this blog to introduce boxes of cake, I'll keep updating the pictures, this is my attempt to help them and at the same time mengappreciate what they have done, a lot of things I have to learn from them, I will begin by perlahan2.
please teman2 see contoh2 dos-made cake, if interested can directly contact me or my parents, we are very interested to establish cooperation with distributor-distiributor in tiap2 city, you just leave the contacts in an email, or directly contact me, samples will be sent directly to your place, and we can talk more to the price and delivery
Pursue efforts dos cake is not an easy thing. Simona dos cake've started since the early 90s. This business was started by my parents. At that time they would not want to, have to go through, because the longer red rice business samakin oppressed by the production of large corporations, I remember clearly at awal2 this business I had a tour to various cities in East Java and Central Java. The period was the use of cookies is not a thing dos general, at a price which is relatively higher than leaf packs, marketing is a big challenge. I am very impressed with what my parents do, they do not lose heart, even though they have absolutely no background who understand about making this cake dos.Finally after many years have begun a fresh breeze, little by little people began to accept what they traded, even begun many people who participated to make boxes of cakes.Now, the challenge was different, not just marketing that must they think, but also the emergence of competitors, price wars are inevitable. All lawful ways, modeled on the design dos marketable market was already a thing lumrah.Tapi, which as far as I remember, my parents never imitate the designs of others, even though they are not the sgt2 understand about copyright or copyright, I think they can appreciate the meaning of a design, it is another thing that I admire about them.Now we already have boxes of cake in several major cities on the island of Java and Bali, see the great effort of my parents who made this quite a relief, although it clearly affected the economic crisis our income.I created this blog to introduce boxes of cake, I'll keep updating the pictures, this is my attempt to help them and at the same time mengappreciate what they have done, a lot of things I have to learn from them, I will begin by perlahan2.
please teman2 see contoh2 dos-made cake, if interested can directly contact me or my parents, we are very interested to establish cooperation with distributor-distiributor in tiap2 city, you just leave the contacts in an email, or directly contact me, samples will be sent directly to your place, and we can talk more to the price and delivery
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Batik Color Light Green Typical of Solo
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Batik Of Indonesian
Indonesian Batik With a Motive "Coffee"
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Indonesian batik typical knitting
Friday, October 15, 2010
batik cloth of various shades
Typical Indonesian BATIK
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Overview of batik
Batik is the art of drawing on fabric for garments made with resist techniques using wax material. The word batik is derived from the Java language, meaning to write. Batik technique has been known for thousands of years ago. There is no historical information is quite clear about the origins of batik. Some suspect this technique comes from the Sumerian, then developed in Java after being taken by Indian traders. Batick, batic, bathik, battik, batique and Batek and batix is another name batik cloth. Currently batik can be found in many countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, India, Sri Lanka and Iran. Besides Asia, batik is also very popular in some countries on the African continent. However, batik, which is very famous in the world is derived from Indonesian batik and batik in Pekalongan is an iconic development archipelago earning it the nickname as CITY BATIK (see: the history of batik in Indonesia).
Batik our times
The tradition of batik was originally a family tradition of the kings of Indonesia. At that time only limited batik work in the palace alone and proceeds to dress the king and family and his followers. Because many of the followers of the king who lived outside the palace, the art of batik was brought by them out palace and place their work - each.In the process, batik, which was once a symbol of feudalism Java where there are batik to the king and his family well for the average person batik, batik handicraft gradually called batik was imitated by the people nearest and subsequently expanded into a very popular folk clothes, both men and women. Originally batik is made just above the material with white color made of cotton cloth called mori. Today the batik which has become a traditional Indonesian fabric is also made on other materials such as silk, polyester, rayon and other synthetic materials. In addition, the manner of manufacture is also changing. In addition to batik, batik is batik motif formed by hand, now there is also a batik cap, batik printing, batik painting and silk screening.
Batik our times
The tradition of batik was originally a family tradition of the kings of Indonesia. At that time only limited batik work in the palace alone and proceeds to dress the king and family and his followers. Because many of the followers of the king who lived outside the palace, the art of batik was brought by them out palace and place their work - each.In the process, batik, which was once a symbol of feudalism Java where there are batik to the king and his family well for the average person batik, batik handicraft gradually called batik was imitated by the people nearest and subsequently expanded into a very popular folk clothes, both men and women. Originally batik is made just above the material with white color made of cotton cloth called mori. Today the batik which has become a traditional Indonesian fabric is also made on other materials such as silk, polyester, rayon and other synthetic materials. In addition, the manner of manufacture is also changing. In addition to batik, batik is batik motif formed by hand, now there is also a batik cap, batik printing, batik painting and silk screening.
Batik Pekalongan
Although no official records began to be known when the batik in Pekalongan, but according to estimates existing in Pekalongan batik around the year 1800. Even according to data recorded at the Ministry, batik was made 1802, like a small tree motif in the form of clothes.
But significant progress is expected to occur after a major war in 1825-1830 in the kingdom of Mataram which is often referred to as Java Diponegoro war or war. With the onset of this battle royal family and urged his followers were many who left the kingdom. They then spread towards the East and West. Later in the area - a new area that the family and followers develop batik.
To the east of Solo and Yogyakarta Batik batik patterns that have been perfected in Mojokerto and Tulungagung to spread to Gresik, Surabaya and Madura. Medium westward batik developed in Banyumas, Kebumen, Tegal, Cirebon and Pekalongan. With this migration, the batik Pekalongan that have been there before growing.
Over time, Batik Pekalongan experiencing rapid development compared to other regions. In this region batik evolved around the coastal areas, namely in Pekalongan city and regional areas Buaran, Pekajangan and Wonopringgo.
Museum Batik PekalonganPekalongan public encounter with the various nations such as China, Dutch, Arabic, Indian, Malay and Japanese in ancient times has colored the dynamics of color motifs and batik art.
In connection with the several types of batik motif result of the influence of various countries who came to be known as the identity of Pekalongan batik. The motive was, that is batik Jlamprang, inspired from Indian and Arab Affairs. Then batik Encim and Klengenan, influenced by the Peranakan Chinese. Dutch batik, batik Morning Afternoon, and batik Hokokai, grown rapidly since the Japanese occupation.
The development of print culture techniques using dye motifs cover the night (candles) on the fabric which is then called batik, is inseparable from the influence of those countries. This shows the context of the flexibility of batik from time to time.
Pekalongan batik is very unique because it relies entirely on hundreds of small entrepreneurs, rather than on a handful of large employers have capital. Since many decades ago until now, most of Pekalongan batik production process is done in homes. As a result, closely united with batik Pekalongan Pekalongan community life that is now divided into two administrative regions, namely Pekalongan Municipality and Regency of Pekalongan.
Pekalongan batik tidal development, showing Pekalongan eligible to become an icon for the development of batik in Indonesia. Icon for works of art that never gave up with the times and always dynamic. Now, batik has become a breath of everyday life Pekalongan residents and is one superior product. This is because many industries which produce batik. Because the product is known for his batik, known as the City of Pekalongan Batik. The nickname came from a long tradition rooted in Pekalongan. During that long period, various properties, the variety of uses, type design, as well as batik quality is determined by the climate and the presence of fibers of local, historical factors, trade and community readiness to accept and understand new ideas.
Batik is an art culture that admired the world, among the traditional varieties produced with dye technology hurdles, none of which can be present as beautiful and as smooth as batik Pekalongan.
But significant progress is expected to occur after a major war in 1825-1830 in the kingdom of Mataram which is often referred to as Java Diponegoro war or war. With the onset of this battle royal family and urged his followers were many who left the kingdom. They then spread towards the East and West. Later in the area - a new area that the family and followers develop batik.
To the east of Solo and Yogyakarta Batik batik patterns that have been perfected in Mojokerto and Tulungagung to spread to Gresik, Surabaya and Madura. Medium westward batik developed in Banyumas, Kebumen, Tegal, Cirebon and Pekalongan. With this migration, the batik Pekalongan that have been there before growing.
Over time, Batik Pekalongan experiencing rapid development compared to other regions. In this region batik evolved around the coastal areas, namely in Pekalongan city and regional areas Buaran, Pekajangan and Wonopringgo.
Museum Batik PekalonganPekalongan public encounter with the various nations such as China, Dutch, Arabic, Indian, Malay and Japanese in ancient times has colored the dynamics of color motifs and batik art.
In connection with the several types of batik motif result of the influence of various countries who came to be known as the identity of Pekalongan batik. The motive was, that is batik Jlamprang, inspired from Indian and Arab Affairs. Then batik Encim and Klengenan, influenced by the Peranakan Chinese. Dutch batik, batik Morning Afternoon, and batik Hokokai, grown rapidly since the Japanese occupation.
The development of print culture techniques using dye motifs cover the night (candles) on the fabric which is then called batik, is inseparable from the influence of those countries. This shows the context of the flexibility of batik from time to time.
Pekalongan batik is very unique because it relies entirely on hundreds of small entrepreneurs, rather than on a handful of large employers have capital. Since many decades ago until now, most of Pekalongan batik production process is done in homes. As a result, closely united with batik Pekalongan Pekalongan community life that is now divided into two administrative regions, namely Pekalongan Municipality and Regency of Pekalongan.
Pekalongan batik tidal development, showing Pekalongan eligible to become an icon for the development of batik in Indonesia. Icon for works of art that never gave up with the times and always dynamic. Now, batik has become a breath of everyday life Pekalongan residents and is one superior product. This is because many industries which produce batik. Because the product is known for his batik, known as the City of Pekalongan Batik. The nickname came from a long tradition rooted in Pekalongan. During that long period, various properties, the variety of uses, type design, as well as batik quality is determined by the climate and the presence of fibers of local, historical factors, trade and community readiness to accept and understand new ideas.
Batik is an art culture that admired the world, among the traditional varieties produced with dye technology hurdles, none of which can be present as beautiful and as smooth as batik Pekalongan.
Growth in Indonesian Batik
The history of batik in Indonesia with regard to the development of the Majapahit kingdom and the kingdom afterwards. In some records, the development of batik is mostly done in times of Mataram kingdom, then in the kingdom of Solo and Yogyakarta.
Art of batik is an art image on the fabric for clothing that was one of the family culture of Indonesian kings of old. Batik initially worked in the palace alone are limited and the results for the king's clothes and family and his followers. Because many of the followers of the king who lived outside the palace, the art of batik was brought by them out palace and place of each work.
The process of making batikIn the development of this batik art gradually imitated by the people nearest and subsequently expanded into the work of women in the household to fill his spare time. Furthermore, batik clothes that used only the royal family, then became a popular folk clothes, both women and men.
White fabric that is used when it is the result of homespun. Medium dye materials used consisted of plants native to Indonesia who made himself among others of: noni tree, tall, soga, indigo, and the material is made from soda ash soda, as well as salts made from mud soil.
So this batik in Indonesia has been known since the time of Majapahit kingdom and continued to grow until the next kingdom. The start spreading this batik art belongs to the people of Indonesia and Java in particular tribe is after the end of the eighteenth century or early nineteenth century. Produced batik batik is all to the early twentieth century and printed batik is known only after the world war was over unity or around 1920. Now, batik has become part of traditional Indonesian clothing.
Art of batik is an art image on the fabric for clothing that was one of the family culture of Indonesian kings of old. Batik initially worked in the palace alone are limited and the results for the king's clothes and family and his followers. Because many of the followers of the king who lived outside the palace, the art of batik was brought by them out palace and place of each work.
The process of making batikIn the development of this batik art gradually imitated by the people nearest and subsequently expanded into the work of women in the household to fill his spare time. Furthermore, batik clothes that used only the royal family, then became a popular folk clothes, both women and men.
White fabric that is used when it is the result of homespun. Medium dye materials used consisted of plants native to Indonesia who made himself among others of: noni tree, tall, soga, indigo, and the material is made from soda ash soda, as well as salts made from mud soil.
So this batik in Indonesia has been known since the time of Majapahit kingdom and continued to grow until the next kingdom. The start spreading this batik art belongs to the people of Indonesia and Java in particular tribe is after the end of the eighteenth century or early nineteenth century. Produced batik batik is all to the early twentieth century and printed batik is known only after the world war was over unity or around 1920. Now, batik has become part of traditional Indonesian clothing.
History of Batik Indonesia
Batik is historically derived from ancestors, known since the seventeenth century, written and painted on palm leaves. At the moment motif batik pattern is still dominated by forms of animals and plants. But in its development history of batik have evolved, from painting motifs of animals and plants gradually turn to the abstract patterns that resemble a cloud, temple reliefs, wayang beber and so forth. Furthermore, through the merger of the painting with the art of decorating style clothing, batik art show as we know it today.
The type and style of traditional batik quite so much, but the patterns and variations in accordance with the philosophy and culture of each region are very diverse. Indonesia's cultural treasures so rich nation has been driving styles and types of batik tradisioanal with its own specialty characteristics.
The type and style of traditional batik quite so much, but the patterns and variations in accordance with the philosophy and culture of each region are very diverse. Indonesia's cultural treasures so rich nation has been driving styles and types of batik tradisioanal with its own specialty characteristics.
Baca secara fonetik
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